Entries by Line

Ancient Egyptian mythology

Ancient Egyptian mythology is a rich tapestry of stories, gods, and rituals that played a crucial role in the daily lives, religious practices, and cultural identity of ancient Egyptians. Here’s a deep dive into the fascinating details and lesser-known aspects of this intricate belief system: Creation Myths and Cosmology in ancient Egypt 1. Primeval Waters […]

The most valuable treasures of the Pharaohs

In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs possessed a wealth of riches that were unparalleled in their time. These treasures were not just gold and jewels, but also artifacts that held deep cultural and historical significance. Among the most prized possessions were intricate sarcophagi, designed to protect the pharaohs on their journey to the afterlife. The treasures […]

The mummification process in ancient Egypt

The mummification process in ancient Egypt was an elaborate and detailed procedure aimed at preserving the body for the afterlife , Mummification was expensive process that is why poor people couldnot afford it . This process, which typically spanned about 70 days, involved several critical steps: 1.Removal of Internal Organs: Initially, the internal organs were […]

Wadi Degla Protectorate in Cairo

Wadi Degla Protectorate is a nature reserve established to preserve its distinctive geological structures, diverse ecosystem, and historical importance located close to Cairo, Egypt.we will cover here the main points about it Geological Characteristics of Wadi Degla Protectorate : -Canyon-like Topography: The reserve is characterized by its canyon-like topography, with a valley that extends over […]

How to plan a trip to Egypt and what should you know in advance.

When you plan a trip to Egypt, there are several important factors to consider to make your trip smooth and enjoyable. you can check some of points you can find it here : Visa Requirements to Egypt – Single-entry tourist visa: Available at the airport for USD 25 or in advance through Egypt’s official government […]

Things to do in Marsa alam

While you relax in one of Marsa Alam resorts there are many activities you can do there to enhance your experience. Here is Unforgettable and uncomprehensive guide to the thrilling tours and activities that await you: 1. Aquatic Adventures Elphinstone Reef: Dive into the depths of this legendary underwater paradise, teeming with whitetip sharks, hammerheads, […]

Mamsha Ahl Masr (Walking Promenade of Cairo Nile)

Mamsha Ahl Masr (Promenade of the People of Egypt) is a mega project developed by the Egyptian government that spans 3 km along the Nile River in Cairo. The project aims to create a modern and vibrant waterfront destination for residents and visitors to enjoy. The Idea and the construction of Mamsha ahl Masr: In […]

The Valley of the Kings ( Greatest royal tombs on earth )

The Valley of the Kings is a remarkable archaeological site in Luxor, Egypt, situated on the west bank of the Nile River. This location is renowned for its series of pharaonic tombs, constructed to house the remains and treasures of rulers from Egypt’s New Kingdom. Here are some fascinating and unique secrets about the Valley […]

Best places to visit in Egypt

Egypt has very rich history and culture and it offers a wide array of attractions for visitors. Here are some of the best places to visit in Egypt, each with its unique appeal: The Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx : your visit to Egypt will not be completed without seeing the Great Pyramids and […]

Social life in ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians placed great importance on their social lives, with their close-knit communities and vibrant cultural traditions.Society in ancient Egypt was divided into strict classes as Pharaohs were on top and slave laborers were at the bottom and In between were the nobility, priests, scribes, skilled craftsmen, and farmers. Family Life in old Egypt : […]