Ancient Egyptian mythology is a rich tapestry of stories, gods, and rituals that played a crucial role in the daily lives, religious practices, and cultural identity of ancient Egyptians. Here’s a deep dive into the fascinating details and lesser-known aspects of this intricate belief system:

Creation Myths and Cosmology in ancient Egypt

1. Primeval Waters (Nun):
– The ancient Egyptians believed that before the world existed, there was only the dark, chaotic waters of Nun. From these waters emerged the first land, symbolized by a mound, and the first god, Atum.

2. Ennead of Heliopolis:
– Atum created the first divine couple, Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture), who in turn produced Geb (earth) and Nut (sky). Geb and Nut’s children included Osiris, Isis, Seth, and Nephthys, forming the Ennead, or group of nine deities, of Heliopolis.

3. Ogdoad of Hermopolis:
– In another creation myth, the Ogdoad, a group of eight deities (four male-female pairs) represented the primordial elements of chaos: water, air, darkness, and infinity. These gods were believed to have created the world in Hermopolis.

Major Deities and Their Roles in ancient Egypt

1. Osiris:
– God of the afterlife, resurrection, and agriculture. Osiris was murdered by his brother Seth and resurrected by his wife Isis, symbolizing the cycle of life and death.

2. Isis:
– Goddess of magic, motherhood, and fertility. She was instrumental in resurrecting Osiris and protecting their son, Horus.

3. Horus:
– Sky god often depicted as a falcon. Horus avenged his father Osiris’s death by defeating Seth and became a symbol of kingship and protection.

4. Anubis:
– God of mummification and the afterlife. Anubis guided souls to the afterlife and weighed their hearts against the feather of Ma’at (truth).

5. Ra:
– Sun god and supreme deity. Ra traveled through the sky by day and the underworld by night, battling the serpent Apophis to ensure the sun’s rebirth.

god Horus

Rituals and Beliefs in ancient Egypt:

1. Mummification:
– Essential for ensuring the deceased’s journey to the afterlife. The process involved removing internal organs, drying the body with natron, and wrapping it in linen.

2. Book of the Dead:
– A collection of spells, charms, and formulas to guide the deceased through the underworld and secure a favorable judgment in the afterlife.

3. Temples and Priesthood:
– Temples were the homes of gods on earth. Priests performed daily rituals, including offering food and drink to the deities and reciting hymns.

Symbolism and Iconography in ancient Egypt

1. Ankh:
– The symbol of life. Often depicted in the hands of gods, representing eternal life.

2. Djed Pillar:
– Symbolizing stability and the backbone of Osiris. It was associated with resurrection and eternal life.

3. Eye of Horus (Wedjat):
– A symbol of protection, healing, and restoration. It was often used in amulets and jewelry to ward off evil.

egyptian mythology

Secrets and Lesser-Known Details of ancient Egypt:

1.Hidden Tombs:
– Many royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings were designed with secret chambers and false passages to deter tomb robbers.

2. Mysterious Deities:
– Some gods, like the serpent Apophis, represented chaos and were considered necessary antagonists in the order of the universe.

3. Magic and Spells:
– Magic (heka) was an integral part of daily life and religious practice. Spells were used for protection, healing, and ensuring success in the afterlife.

4. Animal Worship:
– Animals were sacred and often associated with specific gods. For example, cats were linked to Bastet, the goddess of home and fertility.

5. Amarna Period:
– Pharaoh Akhenaten temporarily shifted worship to the Aten, a sun disk, promoting monotheism. This period was marked by dramatic changes in art and religious practices.


The mythology of ancient Egypt is a complex and deeply symbolic system that reflects the civilization’s values, fears, and hopes. From creation myths to elaborate funerary practices, the ancient Egyptians’ belief in the divine shaped every aspect of their world, leaving a legacy that continues to captivate and mystify us today.

If you would like to know more about the ancient Egyptian mythology and visit many royal tombs and temples from the Pharaohs time check this link here for more details

Written by ATW July 2024

In ancient Egypt, the pharaohs possessed a wealth of riches that were unparalleled in their time. These treasures were not just gold and jewels, but also artifacts that held deep cultural and historical significance. Among the most prized possessions were intricate sarcophagi, designed to protect the pharaohs on their journey to the afterlife.

The treasures of the Pharaohs of ancient Egypt are among the most remarkable and valuable artifacts in the world, reflecting the wealth, power, and sophistication of one of history’s greatest civilizations. Here are some of the most renowned treasures associated with the Pharaohs:

1. Tutankhamun’s Tomb

Discovered in 1922 by Howard Carter, the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun (KV62) in the Valley of the Kings is perhaps the most famous archaeological find. Key treasures from this tomb include:
– The Golden Mask: Tutankhamun’s funerary mask, made of gold and inlaid with semi-precious stones, is an iconic symbol of ancient Egypt with weight of 11 kg from gold and precious stones
– Golden coffin : Amazing coffin with weight of 110 kg from pure gold .
– Golden Throne: A beautifully crafted throne adorned with scenes of the young pharaoh and his queen.
– Chariots: Ornate chariots that were likely used in ceremonies rather than battle.
– Canopic Shrine: A shrine containing canopic jars that held the pharaoh’s internal organs.

tut anch amun treasure

2. The Great Pyramids and the Sphinx

While not “treasures” in the traditional sense, the monumental architecture of the Great Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx are invaluable cultural and historical treasures. Built during the Fourth Dynasty, these structures were created to house the remains of pharaohs like Khufu (Cheops), Khafre, and Menkaure.
– Pyramid Texts: The oldest religious texts in the world, found inside Unas pyramids, are inscribed to help the pharaohs in their journey to the afterlife.

3. The Treasure of Tanis

Discovered in the royal tombs at Tanis, the treasures of pharaohs such as Psusennes I offer impressive examples of craftsmanship. Highlights include:
– Golden Mask of Psusennes I: Similar in style to Tutankhamun’s mask but with its own distinctive features.
– Jewelry and Ornaments: Intricate pieces made from gold, silver, and precious stones.
– Silver coffin : An stunning design coffin made out from silver which was more preciouse than gold in ancient Egypt.

4. The Mummy of Ramses II

Ramses II, also known as Ramses the Great, was one of Egypt’s most powerful and celebrated pharaohs. Although his tomb had been plundered, his mummy, discovered in the Deir el-Bahri cache, is a significant find.
– Mummy Cases: The nested coffins and elaborate sarcophagi that contained his mummy.

5. The Valley of the Kings

This royal burial ground contains numerous tombs filled with treasures, although many were looted in antiquity. Notable tombs include:
– KV5: The tomb of the sons of Ramses II, the largest tomb in the Valley of the Kings.
– Tomb of Seti I: One of the most beautifully decorated tombs, known for its detailed and well-preserved wall paintings and carvings.

valley of the kings

6. Queen Hetepheres’ Treasures
The mother of Khufu, Queen Hetepheres I, had a tomb filled with luxurious items, even though it was robbed in antiquity. Her remaining treasures included:
-Furniture: Exquisitely crafted pieces like her bed and chair.
-Jewelry: Gold and semi-precious stone jewelry.

7. The Rosetta Stone

While not a treasure from a tomb, the Rosetta Stone is an invaluable artifact that enabled the decipherment of Egyptian hieroglyphs. Discovered in 1799, it features inscriptions in three scripts: Greek, Demotic, and Hieroglyphic.

8. The Cairo Museum’s Collection
The Egyptian Museum in Cairo houses an extensive collection of treasures from various periods of ancient Egyptian history, including:
– The Narmer Palette: An important ceremonial engraving considered a key artifact in understanding the unification of Upper and Lower Egypt.

egyptian musuem

These treasures are not just valuable for their material worth but also for the cultural, historical, and scientific insights they provide into ancient Egyptian civilization.

If you willing one day to see these valubale treasure and visit Egypt , check this link here for more details and special organized tour packages to Egypt.

Written by ATW July 2024

The mummification process

in ancient Egypt was an elaborate and detailed procedure aimed at preserving the body for the afterlife , Mummification was expensive process that is why poor people couldnot afford it .

This process, which typically spanned about 70 days, involved several critical steps:

1.Removal of Internal Organs: Initially, the internal organs were removed, with the exception of the heart, considered the seat of the soul. The brain was extracted through the nose using a hooked instrument, while the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines were removed through an incision on the left side of the body. These organs were then preserved separately in canopic jars.

2. Drying and Cleaning: The body was cleansed with palm wine and rinsed with Nile water. To dehydrate the body, it was packed with natron salt for 40 days, aiding in tissue preservation.

3. Wrapping: Once dried, the body was stuffed with linen or sawdust, resin, and other materials to restore its shape. It was then anointed with oils and resins to preserve the skin. Following this, the body was wrapped in hundreds of meters of linen bandages, with amulets and charms placed within the layers for protection in the afterlife.


4.Final Preparations: The wrapped body, now a mummy, was placed in a series of nested coffins or a sarcophagus. A funeral mask or portrait, often crafted from gold or other precious materials, was placed over the face.

5. Burial: The mummy was then interred in a tomb along with funerary goods such as food, clothing, jewelry, and other items deemed necessary for the afterlife. Tombs were often decorated with texts and scenes to guide the deceased.

Throughout this process, priests conducted rituals and prayers to ensure the deceased’s safe passage to the afterlife. The most significant ritual was the “Opening of the Mouth” ceremony, believed to restore the deceased’s senses, enabling them to eat, drink, speak, and move in the afterlife , Mummification practices varied over time and by region .

Mummification was primarily reserved for pharaohs, elites, and those who could afford the costly process, as it was believed to guarantee their immortality and status in the afterlife.

Written by ATW June 2024

Wadi Degla Protectorate is a nature reserve established to preserve its distinctive geological structures, diverse ecosystem, and historical importance located close to Cairo, Egypt.we will cover here the main points about it

Geological Characteristics of Wadi Degla Protectorate

-Canyon-like Topography: The reserve is characterized by its canyon-like topography, with a valley that extends over 30 kilometers, surrounded by tall limestone cliffs, created by water erosion over the ages.

-Fossil Richness: The area houses an abundance of fossils, including traces of prehistoric sea creatures, indicating the region’s history under the Tethys Sea.

wadi degla

Plants and Animals in Wadi Degla Protectorate :

– Biodiversity: Despite the dry climate, Wadi Degla is home to various plants and animals adapted to the desert environment, including acacia trees, shrubs, and a range of bird species.

– Wildlife Sightings: Visitors may encounter creatures like gazelles, hares, and reptiles. The area is a haven for birdlife, drawing bird-watchers.

Leisure Activities in Wadi Degla Protectorate :

-Walking and Exploring: With many trails, the valley is a magnet for hikers and those seeking adventure.
– Cycling: The tough landscape is perfect for mountain bikers seeking a scenic challenge.
-Climbing: The cliffs provide opportunities for climbing, though caution and experienced guidance are recommended.

wadi degla

Getting to in Wadi Degla Protectorate :

-Close to Cairo: Situated just 10 kilometers southeast of Cairo, it’s a convenient retreat from city life.
– Amenities: With the goal of keeping the area unspoiled, there are basic facilities like parking and picnic spots.

Preservation Initiatives
-Regulated Area: The protectorate’s status means it’s protected by regulations to maintain its natural and cultural resources. Damaging activities are strictly prohibited.
– Educational Programs: Visitors are educated on the significance of preservation and the area’s unique aspects.

Historical Value of in Wadi Degla Protectorate

– Human Past: Archaeological discoveries indicate human presence for millennia, including ancient engravings and implements.

Tips for Visitors
– Optimal Time for Visit: Visit between October and April to avoid the intense heat.
– Precautions: Pack adequate water, sunscreen, and appropriate footwear for rugged terrain walking.

In general the Wadi Degla Protectorate is a remarkable mix of scenic splendor, recreational options, and insights into the area’s geological and historical narrative. It’s a treasured natural resource for Egypt and a fantastic spot for nature aficionados and outdoor adventurers.

If you willing to visit this special and unique protectorate one day check this link here for more details and arranged tours to it

Wriiten by ATW June 2024

When you plan a trip to Egypt, there are several important factors to consider to make your trip smooth and enjoyable. you can check some of points you can find it here :

Visa Requirements to Egypt

– Single-entry tourist visa: Available at the airport for USD 25 or in advance through Egypt’s official government website.
– Multiple-entry visa: Must be obtained in advance through the government website.

Online Visa Application:

– Apply via through authorized webiste of Egypt
– Upload your passport and a passport-sized photo (max 5MB).
– Expect to receive your visa within 48 hours to a week.

What to Pack for your tour to Egypt :

– Opt for lightweight, breathable clothing made of cotton.
– Dress modestly in cities like Cairo.
– Shorts and sundresses are fine in beach areas.
– Bring essentials like sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and insect repellent.
– Include a basic first-aid kit with medications like Imodium and antibacterial drugs.

dress code in Egypt

Transportation in Egypt :

– Choose a hotel that offers airport pickup to avoid scams.
– In Cairo and Giza, the metro system is good for short trips.
– Use white taxis or Uber for brief rides.
– Domestic flights or trains are better for long-distance travel.
– Public transportation might not be reliable, so plan ahead.

cairo tours

Travel Itinerary in Egypt :

– Spend two days in Cairo visiting the pyramids, Egyptian Museum, and Khan El-Khalili market.
– In Giza, stay overnight to see the pyramids lit up.
– Allow two days in Aswan for Philae and Kalabsha Temples and a day trip to Abu Simbel.
– Consider staying at a Nubian guesthouse on the West Bank.
– Dedicate three days in Luxor for Karnak, the Valley of the Kings, Luxor Temple, and the Luxor Museum.
– Stay on the West Bank of the Nile for a quieter experience.

Safety and Local Customs in Egypt :

– Egypt is generally safe, but stay alert and respect the local culture.
– Tipping for services and haggling in markets are expected.
– Dress modestly, especially at religious and historic sites.
– Be aware of traditions and customs.

Currency Tips:

– The local currency is the Egyptian Pound, with ATMs widely available. Keep USD 25 on hand for the visa fee at the airport.
_ It is recommended to Keep Egyptian pounds with you but still most of Egyptians accept many other currancies specially US dollars , Euros and Sterling pounds

money in Egypt

Customize your tour to Egypt with a good tour operator in advance:

Choosing a qulified tour operator when you plan your tour to Egypt will save you a lot , here is some points that should be considered when you choose the travel agency :

The feedback of other travelers
Their rates & the prices
How long have they been in tourism field
How professional they are in answering your inquires
How felixable they are .

Since we work in the tourism field since 2006 and we deal daily with mnay customers we will be more than happy to help you with any inquires about Egypt , either you just need some one to answer any questions for you or to find very good rates check this link here.

Written by ATW June 2024

While you relax in one of Marsa Alam resorts there are many activities you can do there to enhance your experience.

Here is Unforgettable and uncomprehensive guide to the thrilling tours and activities that await you:

1. Aquatic Adventures

Elphinstone Reef: Dive into the depths of this legendary underwater paradise, teeming with whitetip sharks, hammerheads, and vibrant coral gardens.

Marsa Mubarak: Snorkel or dive amidst a kaleidoscope of marine life, including gentle dugongs and graceful sea turtles.

Dolphin House: Encounter a pod of playful spinner dolphins in the serene waters of this horseshoe-shaped reef , it is known also as Sataya dolphins reef .

red sea life

2. Desert Experience :

Quad Biking: Embark on an exhilarating ride through towering sand dunes and rugged desert landscapes.
Camel Rides: Experience the traditional charm of a desert expedition on the back of a camel.

Jeep Safaris: Explore the desert’s hidden gems in a 4×4 jeep, guided by knowledgeable experts.

Bedouine dinner : Enjoy watching the desert life and the culture of the desert people while you have BBRQ dinner , Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture of the Bedouin people, experiencing their hospitality and traditional crafts

safari tours

3. Historical Sites

Luxor Day Trip: Journey to the ancient city of Thebes and marvel at its iconic monuments, including the Valley of the Kings & Hatshepsut temple and Karanak temple .

Aswan and Abu Simbel: Discover the wonders of Philae Temple and the colossal rock temples of Ramses II in these captivating destinations.]

Cairo sites : also you can do one day trip to Cairo from Marsa alam where you can visit Giza pyramids and the Egyptian musuem

karnak temple

4. Beach Bliss

Abu Dabbab Beach: Relax on the golden sands of this idyllic beach, perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports.

Sharm El-luli beach : enjoy visiting one of best beaches on earth where you can relax on a nice sandy beach , watch Mangrove trees and if you decided to do snorkeling or diving there , you will be surprised with the underwater paradise.

5. Wildlife Encounters

Wadi El Gemal National Park

: Explore a diverse ecosystem of mountains, desert, and marine habitats, home to gazelles and ancient ruins.

Sataya Dolphin Reef:

Snorkel or dive alongside bottlenose dolphins in the vibrant waters of the Fury Shoals.

dolphin house marsa alam

6. Water Sports:

Kite Surfing: Harness the steady winds and clear waters for an unforgettable kite surfing experience.
Sailing and Boating: Embark on a sailing trip or rent a boat to explore the Red Sea’s hidden coves and bays.

7. Spa and Wellness

Almost all the resorts and hotels in Marsa Alam offer spa and wellness services, providing a perfect way to relax and rejuvenate like Spa treatments, yoga classes, and wellness retreats.

8. Photography Tours

Because Marsa alam is pure natural place you have great chance there to Capture the stunning landscapes, vibrant underwater scenes, and rich cultural heritage of the region with guided photography tours.

Marsa Alam offers a diverse range of activities and tours catering to various interests, from adventure and nature to culture and relaxation. Whether you’re an adrenaline junkie, a history buff, or just looking to unwind, there’s something for everyone in this beautiful part of Egypt. if you willing one day to visit this stunning resort and discover this amazing activities check this link here for more details .

Written by ATW June 2024

Mamsha Ahl Masr (Promenade of the People of Egypt) is a mega project developed by the Egyptian government that spans 3 km along the Nile River in Cairo. The project aims to create a modern and vibrant waterfront destination for residents and visitors to enjoy.

The Idea and the construction of Mamsha ahl Masr:

In 2019, Egypt’s New Urban Communities Authority (NUCA), under the Ministry of Housing, initiated the impressive Mamsha Ahl Misr project. This expansive development stretches 54 kilometers across Cairo and Giza and is poised to feature 90 stores, eateries, and coffee shops, along with 300 stalls for commercial and service enterprises. Additionally, it will serve as a venue for athletic events like marathons.

The project’s first segment, running from Imbaba Bridge to the 15 May Bridge, is scheduled to open on March 18, 2022. This initial phase includes upper and lower walkways, measuring 1.8 kilometers in length and 4.5 and 6.5 meters in width, respectively, encompassing a total space of 7,066 square meters. The three-day launch event will be marked by fireworks and performances from both Arab and Egyptian artists on a unique, high-tech floating stage capable of accommodating 1,240 guests.

mamsha ahl masr

The construction of the second and third segments of the Mamsha Ahl Masr Walkway is ongoing, with completion dates yet to be disclosed. The second phase, stretching for 3.2 kilometers, will run between numerous bridges: Qasr Al-Nil and 6 of October, 6 of October and 15 of May, and Imbaba and Sahel. The third phase, spanning 3 kilometers, will connect Tahya Misr Bridge to Sahel Bridge, as well as Qasr Al-Nil Bridge to Meridian Bridge.

What is there in Mamsha ahl Masr ?

The promenade includes numerous features such as a wide pedestrian walkway, cycling tracks, and a variety of dining and entertainment options, including cafes and restaurants, a cultural center, an open-air theater, and a number of green spaces.

The project also includes the development of commercial areas , Garage and residential buildings. The goal of Mamsha Ahl Masr is to create a new urban space that encourages social interaction and offers a diverse range of activities for people to enjoy.

mamsha ahl masr

The project is part of a larger effort by the Egyptian government to revitalize the Nile Corniche and enhance the quality of public spaces in Cairo. It is seen as a key step towards the city’s transformation into a more modern and sustainable metropolis.

It is also considerd as the first modern walkway Overlooking the Nile in Egypt as it was made to provide enjoyable walk , with an irresistible view for the Nile and activities.

If you would like one day to visit Cairo , so we recommend to visit Mamsha ahl masr , specially at evening as it will provide a great experience to you , for more details check this link here

Written by ATW June 2024

The Valley of the Kings is a remarkable archaeological site in Luxor, Egypt, situated on the west bank of the Nile River. This location is renowned for its series of pharaonic tombs, constructed to house the remains and treasures of rulers from Egypt’s New Kingdom.

Here are some fascinating and unique secrets about the Valley of the Kings:


Serving as a royal burial

ground for nearly 500 years—from the 16th to the 11th century BC—the Valley of the Kings contains over 60 tombs. Many archaeologists believe numerous undiscovered tombs still exist in the area.


Pharaohs believed in an afterlife

, and their tombs were designed to secure their journey into the next world. These tombs were filled with spells, elaborate decorations, and treasures to assist them in the afterlife.

valley of the kings

3-The site was selected for its natural pyramid-shaped peak, el-Qurn, which was thought to symbolize the primordial mound from which Egyptians believed creation emerged.

4-Unlike earlier pyramids, New Kingdom tombs were hidden to protect them from grave robbers. Their entrances were often concealed and camouflaged.


The most famous tomb, that of Tutankhamun

, was discovered by Howard Carter in 1922. It gained fame due to its wealth of treasures and its mostly intact state. The death mask of Tutankhamun, crafted from gold and inlaid with colored glass and semi-precious stones, is its most iconic treasure.

6-KV5, initially designed for the sons of Ramses II, is one of the largest and most intricate tombs in the valley. It was forgotten and only rediscovered in 1995.

7-Most tombs followed a similar design: a descending corridor, a series of chambers, and a burial chamber that often contained a sarcophagus. The walls and sarcophagi were lavishly decorated with scenes from Egyptian mythology.

8-The depictions inside the tombs were not merely decorative but served as guides for the pharaohs in the afterlife, with verses from the “Book of the Dead” and the “Book of the Gates” frequently illustrated.


The so-called “curse of the pharaohs”

—a supposed curse on those who disturb the mummy of an Ancient Egyptian, especially a pharaoh—is believed by some to have caused several untimely deaths associated with Tutankhamun’s tomb. However, this is largely considered a myth propagated by the media.

10-The Valley is divided into the East Valley, where most royal tombs are located, and the West Valley, which has only a few tombs.

valley of the kings .luxor

11-The valley and its tombs reflect shifts in religious beliefs and burial practices during the New Kingdom, such as the transition from the worship of Ra to Osiris.

12-High temperatures and the dry climate have helped preserve the tombs, but modern tourism and natural erosion pose threats to their condition.

13-Many tombs feature ancient graffiti, providing valuable insights for archaeologists about past visitors.

14-The “opening of the mouth” ceremony was believed to restore the senses of mummies and statues in the afterlife.

15-In modern times, tombs have undergone conservation efforts, and photography is restricted in most to preserve artifacts and wall paintings.

16-The underground layout of the Valley and its tombs is still being explored, with technologies like ground-penetrating radar used to detect hidden chambers.

17-Once brightly colored, many tombs have faded due to exposure to air and light. Conservationists are working to understand and prevent further deterioration.

18-Not all tombs are royal; some were constructed for high-status nobles and even animals.

19-There are theories about undiscovered tombs within the valley, including the potential untouched tomb of Queen Nefertiti, possibly hidden within existing tunnels.

20-Visiting the Valley of the Kings offers a journey back in time, providing a glimpse into ancient Egypt’s beliefs, artistry, and their efforts to honor and protect their dead.

If you willing one day to visit this special place check this link here for more details and special offers.

Written by ATW June 2024

Egypt has very rich history and culture and it offers a wide array of attractions for visitors. Here are some of the best places to visit in Egypt, each with its unique appeal:

The Pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx

: your visit to Egypt will not be completed without seeing the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx. These ancient wonders of the world are situated on the Giza Plateau, near Cairo, dates back to over 4,500 years old. The largest, the Great Pyramid of Khufu (Cheops), is one of the most impressive human-made structures in history.

tips for visiting Egypt

Karnak Temple and the Valley of the Kings

: Luxor, often called the world’s greatest open-air museum, contains the vast temple complex of Karnak, which was the most important place of worship in ancient Egypt. Nearby, on the West Bank of the Nile, lies the Valley of the Kings where tombs of the pharaohs, including that of Tutankhamun, were discovered.

Abu Simbel

: It is supposed to be one of the wonders of the world which is an archaeological site comprising two massive rock temples in southern Egypt, near the border with Sudan. They were built by Pharaoh Ramses II, and the entire complex was relocated to its current position to save it from flooding after the construction of the Aswan High Dam.

abu simble temple

Egyptian Museum in Cairo

: Housing the world’s most extensive collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts, including the golden treasures of Tutankhamun and other pharaohs, the Egyptian Museum in Cairo is a treasure trove of artifacts and an essential stop for any history enthusiast.

Philae Temple in Aswan :

Aswan is a tranquil Nile Valley destination with beautiful scenery, a pleasant climate, and a relaxed atmosphere. The Philae Temple, dedicated to the goddess Isis, is a picturesque site located on an island in the Nile River, which was also relocated due to the Aswan Dam construction.


:Founded by Alexander the Great, Alexandria was once one of the most important cities in the ancient world and it was the capital of Egypt for almost 1000 years , Visitors can explore its Greco-Roman landmarks, including the Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa, the Pompey’s Pillar, and the new Alexandria Library, a homage to the ancient library of Alexandria.


Siwa Oasis : Siwa Oasis is one of Egypt’s most isolated settlements, with a unique culture and a stunning natural environment. It is famous for its ancient mud-built fortresses, the Temple of the Oracle where Alexander the Great was declared the son of Zeus, and its beautiful salt lakes.

Dahab and the Red Sea : A former Bedouin fishing village, Dahab is now known for its relaxed, laid-back atmosphere and is a popular spot for watersports, such as scuba diving, snorkeling, windsurfing, and kitesurfing. The Red Sea’s warm water is home to diverse and colorful marine life and some of the best coral reefs in the world.

The White Desert : This surreal, otherworldly landscape is located in the Western Desert. The White Desert National Park is known for its startlingly white rock formations that have been created by wind erosion. The landscape, especially during sunrise or sunset, looks like something from another planet.

3 days trip to white desert from cairo

Islamic Cairo : The historic center of Cairo is filled with mosques, madrassas, hamams, and castels dating from the medival era. It’s also home to one of the oldest markets in the Middle East, the Khan El Khalili Bazaar, where visitors can shop for souvenirs and experience the bustling local culture.

Sinai : Sinai has one of the most special and nice desert and landscape on earth , there you can enjoy climbing special mountains like Moses mountain and do camping and relax by the coast of the red sea , the place there has great and stunning mix of cost , mountains , Bedouin camps and oasis.

desert of egypt

These are just a few of the many incredible sites to visit in Egypt. Each offers a glimpse into the country’s long history and provides opportunities for cultural enrichment and adventure.

If you willing one day to go to Egypt and enjoy some of this stunning places you can check this link here for special deals and full packages tours

Wrttien by ATW June 2024 .

Ancient Egyptians placed great importance on their social lives, with their close-knit communities and vibrant cultural traditions.Society in ancient Egypt was divided into strict classes as Pharaohs were on top and slave laborers were at the bottom and In between were the nobility, priests, scribes, skilled craftsmen, and farmers.

Family Life in old Egypt

: ancient Egyptian had very strong family life as for Marriages were typically arranged by families and often took place between cousins to keep wealth within the family.

Public Events and Festivals in old Egypt:

Egyptians loved celebrations and would often come together for religious festivals, which were marked with processions, music, dance, feasting, and offerings to the gods. Celebrations like the ‘Sed Festival’ marked the 30th year of the pharaoh’s rule.

Religion and Temples: ancient Egyptians had almost 2000 gods that why religious ceremonies were integral to Egyptian life. The temples were centers of both religious practice and social activity. Many people visited temples not just to worship, but also to seek advice, receive medical treatment, and partake in community events.

religion in old Egypt

Art and Literature in old Egypt:

Egyptians expressed their social life through art and literature. Wall murals in tombs depicted day-to-day life, banquets, farming, hunting, and fishing scenes. Literature and poetry often focused on themes of love, humor, and everyday life.

The Role of Women: Women in ancient Egypt had a higher status and greater legal rights than women in many other contemporary cultures. They could own property, run businesses, and enter professions like weaving or music.

women in old egypt

Clothing and Fashion: Social status and profession were reflected in clothing. Nobles wore elaborate, finely woven linen clothes and characteristic ‘cone’ perfumes on their heads for banquets, while farmers wore simpler sheath dresses or loincloths.

Makeup and cosmatic : Lades in ancient Egypt carried so much about thier beauty and it was very familliar to use cosmatic and makeup like eye liner , wigs , eye shadow , jewellery , combs and perfums .

makeup in old Egypt

Food and Banquets: Diet was heavily reliant on agriculture with a staple diet of bread and beer. The wealthy enjoyed more diverse cuisines including meat, fish, fruits, and honey. Banquets were occasions for social gathering, marked by opulence for the elite, with tables laden with delicacies.

Trade and Commerce in old Egypt:

Marketplaces in cities and along the Nile were bustling hubs of social activity where Egyptians interacted regularly, exchanging goods like papyrus, textiles, grains, and crafts.

Leisure Activities: The Nile River offered opportunities for leisure activities like hunting, fishing, and boating. They also had board games such as ‘Senet’ and ‘Mehen,’ enjoyed by all classes.

Overall, social life in ancient Egypt was very rich and special, with each class adhering to a system that dictated their roles yet allowed for a vibrant cultural life that became one of the hallmarks of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Written by ATW Jun 2024