Tag Archive for: ancient Egypt

The mummification process

in ancient Egypt was an elaborate and detailed procedure aimed at preserving the body for the afterlife , Mummification was expensive process that is why poor people couldnot afford it .

This process, which typically spanned about 70 days, involved several critical steps:

1.Removal of Internal Organs: Initially, the internal organs were removed, with the exception of the heart, considered the seat of the soul. The brain was extracted through the nose using a hooked instrument, while the liver, lungs, stomach, and intestines were removed through an incision on the left side of the body. These organs were then preserved separately in canopic jars.

2. Drying and Cleaning: The body was cleansed with palm wine and rinsed with Nile water. To dehydrate the body, it was packed with natron salt for 40 days, aiding in tissue preservation.

3. Wrapping: Once dried, the body was stuffed with linen or sawdust, resin, and other materials to restore its shape. It was then anointed with oils and resins to preserve the skin. Following this, the body was wrapped in hundreds of meters of linen bandages, with amulets and charms placed within the layers for protection in the afterlife.


4.Final Preparations: The wrapped body, now a mummy, was placed in a series of nested coffins or a sarcophagus. A funeral mask or portrait, often crafted from gold or other precious materials, was placed over the face.

5. Burial: The mummy was then interred in a tomb along with funerary goods such as food, clothing, jewelry, and other items deemed necessary for the afterlife. Tombs were often decorated with texts and scenes to guide the deceased.

Throughout this process, priests conducted rituals and prayers to ensure the deceased’s safe passage to the afterlife. The most significant ritual was the “Opening of the Mouth” ceremony, believed to restore the deceased’s senses, enabling them to eat, drink, speak, and move in the afterlife , Mummification practices varied over time and by region .

Mummification was primarily reserved for pharaohs, elites, and those who could afford the costly process, as it was believed to guarantee their immortality and status in the afterlife.

Written by ATW June 2024

Ancient Egyptians placed great importance on their social lives, with their close-knit communities and vibrant cultural traditions.Society in ancient Egypt was divided into strict classes as Pharaohs were on top and slave laborers were at the bottom and In between were the nobility, priests, scribes, skilled craftsmen, and farmers.

Family Life in old Egypt

: ancient Egyptian had very strong family life as for Marriages were typically arranged by families and often took place between cousins to keep wealth within the family.

Public Events and Festivals in old Egypt:

Egyptians loved celebrations and would often come together for religious festivals, which were marked with processions, music, dance, feasting, and offerings to the gods. Celebrations like the ‘Sed Festival’ marked the 30th year of the pharaoh’s rule.

Religion and Temples: ancient Egyptians had almost 2000 gods that why religious ceremonies were integral to Egyptian life. The temples were centers of both religious practice and social activity. Many people visited temples not just to worship, but also to seek advice, receive medical treatment, and partake in community events.

religion in old Egypt

Art and Literature in old Egypt:

Egyptians expressed their social life through art and literature. Wall murals in tombs depicted day-to-day life, banquets, farming, hunting, and fishing scenes. Literature and poetry often focused on themes of love, humor, and everyday life.

The Role of Women: Women in ancient Egypt had a higher status and greater legal rights than women in many other contemporary cultures. They could own property, run businesses, and enter professions like weaving or music.

women in old egypt

Clothing and Fashion: Social status and profession were reflected in clothing. Nobles wore elaborate, finely woven linen clothes and characteristic ‘cone’ perfumes on their heads for banquets, while farmers wore simpler sheath dresses or loincloths.

Makeup and cosmatic : Lades in ancient Egypt carried so much about thier beauty and it was very familliar to use cosmatic and makeup like eye liner , wigs , eye shadow , jewellery , combs and perfums .

makeup in old Egypt

Food and Banquets: Diet was heavily reliant on agriculture with a staple diet of bread and beer. The wealthy enjoyed more diverse cuisines including meat, fish, fruits, and honey. Banquets were occasions for social gathering, marked by opulence for the elite, with tables laden with delicacies.

Trade and Commerce in old Egypt:

Marketplaces in cities and along the Nile were bustling hubs of social activity where Egyptians interacted regularly, exchanging goods like papyrus, textiles, grains, and crafts.

Leisure Activities: The Nile River offered opportunities for leisure activities like hunting, fishing, and boating. They also had board games such as ‘Senet’ and ‘Mehen,’ enjoyed by all classes.

Overall, social life in ancient Egypt was very rich and special, with each class adhering to a system that dictated their roles yet allowed for a vibrant cultural life that became one of the hallmarks of ancient Egyptian civilization.

Written by ATW Jun 2024