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List of 30 Ancient Egyptian Temples

list of ancient Egyptian temples

The ancient temples not only reflect the architectural brilliance of the Egyptians but also their deep religious beliefs and cultural richness, inviting us to explore their fascinating history.
All the specialist people confrm that over 70 % of Egyptian monuments still not found yet ,so here is a list of 30 Ancient temples.

Ancient Egyptian Temples: A Journey Through Time


Karnak Temple

– Location: Luxor
– Fact:One of the largest religious complexes in the world, dedicated to the Theban triad .

2. Luxor Temple
– Location: Luxor
– Fact: Built to honor the god Amun, it features colossal statues and a magnificent avenue of sphinxes.


Hatshepsut Temple

– Location: Deir el-Bahari (western bank of Luxor )
– Fact: A mortuary temple with stunning terraces, dedicated to Queen Hatshepsut, one of Egypt’s few female pharaohs.

4. Philae Temple
– Location: Aswan
– Fact: Dedicated to the goddess Isis, this temple was relocated to Agilkia Island to save it from flooding.

5. Temple of Edfu (Horus temple)
– Location: Edfu
– Fact: The best-preserved ancient temple, dedicated to the falcon god Horus, featuring intricate carvings and reliefs.

6. Temple of Kom Ombo
– Location: Kom Ombo
– Fact: Uniquely dedicated to two gods, Sobek and Horus, this temple features a symmetrical design and twin sanctuaries.


Abu Simbel Temples

– Location: Aswan
– Fact:Massive rock-cut temples built by Ramses II, featuring four colossal statues at the entrance.

8. Dendera Temple Complex
– Location: Dendera
– Fact:Dedicated to Hathor, the goddess of love and joy, it is renowned for its well-preserved ceiling and zodiac reliefs.

9. Seti I Temple
– Location: Abydos
– Fact: Famous for its stunning wall reliefs and the Osireion, a symbolic tomb for Osiris.

10. Ramesseum
– Location: Thebes (Luxor )
– Fact: The mortuary temple of Ramses II, known for its impressive fallen statue and unique architectural features.

11. Temple of Mut
– Location: Karnak
– Fact: Dedicated to the mother goddess Mut, featuring a sacred lake and grand entrance.

12. Temple of Khonsu
– Location: Karnak
– Fact: Dedicated to the moon god Khonsu, known for its exquisite reliefs depicting various myths.

13. Temple of Isis
-Location: Philae
– Fact: A significant site for pilgrimage, with beautiful hieroglyphs and impressive architecture.

14. Temple of Aten
– Location: Karnak
– Fact: One of the first temples dedicated to the sun disk Aten, reflecting Akhenaten’s religious revolution.

15. Temple of Ptah
– Location: Memphis
– Fact: Dedicated to the creator god Ptah, showcasing grand architecture and ancient artistry.

16. Temple of Amun
-Location: Karnak
-Fact: The central temple of the Karnak complex, representing the epitome of Egyptian religious architecture.

17. Temple of Neith
– Location: Sais
– Fact:Dedicated to the warrior goddess Neith, known for its impressive hypostyle hall.

18. Temple of Ramses II
– Location: Medinet Habu (western bank of Luxor)
– Fact: Features impressive reliefs depicting the pharaoh’s military victories and daily life.

19. Temple of Sekhmet
– Location Karnak
– Fact: A temple dedicated to the lioness goddess, symbolizing power and protection.

20. Temple of Serapium
– Location: Alexandria
– Fact: A blend of Greek and Egyptian architecture, reflecting the cultural fusion of the period.

21. Temple of Seshat
– Location: Abusir
– Fact: Dedicated to the goddess of wisdom and writing, known for its unique architectural style.

22. Temple of Anubis
– Location: Dog Tombs
– Fact: A temple dedicated to the jackal-headed god, showcasing burial rites and the afterlife.

23. Temple of Meretseger
– Location: Valley of the Kings
– Fact: Dedicated to the cobra goddess, associated with protection and the dead.

24. Temple of the Oracle
– Location:Siwa Oasis
– Fact: Known for the famous oracle consulted by Alexander the Great.

25. Temple of the Sun
– Location: Heliopolis
– Fact: Once a major religious center, dedicated to Ra, the sun god, with impressive obelisks.

26. Temple of the Moon
– Location: Kharga Oasis
– Fact: A lesser-known site, symbolizing the connection between heaven and earth.

27. Temple of the Sphinx (The valley temple)
– Location:* Giza
– Fact: Part of the Giza complex,was dedicated for mumfication and was built be king Khefren .

28. Temple of the Apis Bull
– Location: Memphis
– Fact:A sacred site for the worship of the Apis bull, symbolizing fertility and strength.

29. Temple of the Great Mother
– Location: Karnak
– Fact: Highlights the role of female deities in ancient Egyptian spirituality and culture.

30 Temple of Nefertari
– Location: Abu simble
– Facts: Huge rock temple was built by King Ramsiss II for his favourit wife Nefertari.

Egypt full of amazing places , if you would like to know more about this great places check this link here for oraganized tours to most of the pharaonic sited

Written by ATW October 2024

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